A serene, water-themed cafe located on Primal, Exodus, Lavender Beds - W29 | P42.


Lunala Doli

Gender: Female
Race: Voidsent/Au'ra
Relationship: Single
Sexuality: Pansexual
RP: SFW (NSFW with those closest)
Occupation: Blue Moon Owner
Background: not long after the events of Heavensward in the snowy plains of Coerthas a small tear manifested within the mountains. The tear formed into a Au'ra like being that was scared and anxious of her surroundings. Traveling the mountains of Coerthas alone she eventually ran into an Elezen named Urianger who labeled himself as a scion. After traveling together with the tall sophisticated Elezen she was eventually given a name, Lunala Doli was officially born. Their travels led them to Gridania where Luna agreed to fetch tomes for Urianger on void sent research as well as let him study her to learn more about herself. Luna learned that she did not contain the human organ they call a heart and instead contains what Urianger labeled a void or black hole in her chest that consumes emotion and interaction which in turn, teaches her how to live.
After “growing up” a bit and learning how to interact with people luna eventually fell in love with making friends and attending venues as well as challenging herself in dungeons taking on the strongest of foes. Through her interactions she grew the strong fascination with starting her own venue and thus the cafe was born.Luna now a days can be found hosting her venue on Saturdays, dancing her voidsent heart out on Tuesdays, or challenging the strongest of foes in dungeons, extremes, and savages! She’s a bit of an introvert but if you get to know her, she’ll be your right hand gal anytime you need her

Rayne Heartfilia

Gender: Female
Race: Former - Elf/demon hybrid. Current - Moon Vixen
Occupation: Pink Moon Owner
Background: Rayne's earliest memories begin at the age of 6, maybe 7. Anything earlier than that had been blocked out due to trauma and PTSD. Both her and her twin sister, Leda, had been captured at a very young age by an underground organization. For several years they underwent gruesome experiments and eventually became a successful lab rat and mutated into a demon/elf hybrid. Eventually, the twins managed to escape the facility, and found refuge in the cold city of Ishgard. They spent many days and nights in The Firmament, mostly fending for themselves for the residence there wanted nothing to do with the two. Few were kind to them, but given their distrustful nature, especially from Leda, they didn't often accept a helping hand.
Years later, Leda and Rayne went separate ways for different reasons but kept in contact. Rayne set out on adventures, never wanting to stay in one place for too long, and discovered she had a very curious nature about her. She grew to love reading, wanting to learn as much as she could about Eorzea and beyond.
Several months ago, Rayne met a voidsent/au'ra by the name of Luna, who she clicked with easily which was unusual for her. Not long after their friendship began, Luna offered Rayne co-ownership of her cafe to which Rayne--though surprised--happily agreed. Now every Saturday night Rayne can be found at the Lunar Cafe, dancing with her friends, doing giveaways and enjoying the live performances that are put on each opening.

Endewyn Moon

Race: Au Ra
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: Many Moons
Relationship: Single (with many suitors)
Occupation: PR Manager/Performer/Fortune Teller
Bio: Endewyn is a mystical and unpredictable chaotic Xaela Au Ra who came from rags and dirt. One day not so long ago she crawled out of her witch hovel in the Lavender Beds to the sound of enchanting music that led her to New Gridania to the beautiful sight of eight Miqo’te playing a ballad with “strings” and “doots”. Upon this fateful day Endewyn gave up her life of being a “Warrior of Light” and began anew following the siren songs from bards across the land. She adopted the life of a roadie working from the shadows to rally the crowds and discovered “clubs” where people go for “fun”. Fate weaved in mysterious ways and Endewyn came across a “goth peddler” by the name of Lunala who she took under her wing and fed and clothed. This Lunala reminded Endewyn of where she came from and wanted to make this one’s dreams come true. The rest of the story is written in the stars and Lunala is now thee richest lizzer in all of Eorzea with a silver spoon and venue over her head with thee most talented band of undying followers that will kill at her command…I mean give the best customer service you have ever seen!
In the present Endewyn can be found making back alley deals as certified PR Manager, spiriting away souls to the Lunar Cafe, and enchanting patrons with her silver tongue. Some Idiot, Neil Normal and Endewyn formed Eorzea’s most awesome band known as “Idiot & The Moon”, reciting incantations and playing face melters in venues and cities across the realms bewitching undying believers into their legion of cultists known as “fans”. When Endewyn is not at Lunar Cafe she can be found dancing the moonlight away on the stage of infamous venue Abyss hexing hearts and throwing darts.This lizard girl is also a conduit for the stars and can tell the fates of those that dare ask with a reading from thy cards of Arcana. For those with no sense of adventure approach this one with the utmost of caution or be swept away and your life changed forever.

Neil Normal

Gender: Male
Age: 23
Race: Midlander Hyur
Role: Security
Hey, I'm Neil! Lunar Cafe's loyal guard (though I usually spend most of my time socializing with guests and crew!) I'm not always around but I'm never far when people need me. Usually I can be found chilling in a quiet corner with a stiff drink, keeping an eye on things and doing my best to bug Luna as much as possible. Feel free to come by and ask me any questions you might have, or just for a quick chat as the music blasts!

Lili Yuuki

Gender: Female
RP: None
Gpose: SFW
Occupation: Greeter
Hobbies: FF14, Anime, Movies, Nails, Music
DMS: Open

Tahla Entia

Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Viera
Role: Photographer
Sexuality: Straight
Language: English
Gpose: SFW/NSFW yes ://wildharestudio.carrd.co/
About me: I am Tahla. I am Gposer...just ask I don't bite to much lol
OS's: Multiple

Rafflesia Carex

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Viera
Role: Socialite
RP/ERP: Yes/no
Language: English
Gpose: SFW
Hobbies: FF14, Gpose, Music, Games, Anime, Manga
Nice to meet you all. I'm Carex, lover of many hobbies. Feel free to talk to me about any kind of topics. I especially love talk about music. RP background is a WiP. May also see me in many other forms, but my bun boy is my most used and my "self-insert" if you will.

Bee Mittens

Age: 29
Gender: Fem
Pronouns: She/Her
Race: Viera
Role: Resident Housing Designer/Mom/Discord Manager
Sexuality: Bi
Language: English
Gpose: SFW/NSFW yes
About me: Eorzea's most anxious photographer and housing addict at your service

Revvy/Rev Rothwind

Gender: Female
Race: Sea Wolf Roegadyn
Role: Bartender
Relationship Status: Married
Interests and Hobbies: Adventuring, exercise, animals, music, baking, puns, bartending (duh), and collecting all sorts of shiny weapons and armor!
If you're looking for some of the best drinks at the highest elevation, Revvy is your Roe! That is... if you can survive the barrage of bad jokes and flexing.


• Lunar Cafe is intended for 18+ audiences.• Avoid toxicity, be kind and respectful not only to fellow members but in-game as well.• Zero tolerance towards the following: Any discrimination, fascism, racism, transphobia, use of slurs, pedophilia/grooming (or anything inappropriate regarding underage individuals,) or dog-whistles. This extends to usernames, discord status and avatars.• Do not spam.• No posting anything making light of tragedies, loss of life, and terrible world events. Examples: mass killings, war, shootings, pandemic deaths. These things should be discussed and brought up for awareness, just talked about with the gravity they deserve.• No arguments in bad faith or "playing the devil's advocate."• Reasonable communication of boundaries such as "Leave me alone" or "I'm not discussing this with you."• Communicating in a ‘tone’ you don’t find congenial.• ‘Reverse’ -isms, including ‘reverse racism,’ ‘reverse sexism,’ and ‘cisphobia.